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Artists, Bands & DJ's
Daryll-Ann The official Daryll-Ann site. Audio, lyrics, pictures and merchandise from this excellent Dutch rock band.
Luke Vibert Known as Wagon Christ and Plug.
Wire Lyrics, audio, discography, pictures and merchandise of the best band in this galaxy. If you want to purchase their music online go to Wire Mail Order, which also features a lot of info on the band's members.
Basic Channel Information about all Maurizio-related labels and the Berlin underground.
Desert Rose industries Tjeerd Verbeek's own label.
Signum The very experimental label of Maarten van der Vleuten.

Downloads You can download Trance Inductions releases on Djax-up-beats here.
Foresight Institute Preparing for the nanotechnology revolution!
Rupert Sheldrake Seven experiments that could change the world...

